Neolithic Incisions
Excursion: Some early orientational systems
At a time of human development, long before the advent of names, notions, sentences and numerals, and images too, there had been incisions, structuring the orientation in the world and co-creatively enabling the advent of human beings.
It is the work of the archeologist Marie König to have discovered those early incisional systems.
Interestingly, most of the basic patterns are at place.
Diamonds, grids, circles, points, and systems of different patterns.
Not necessarily binary trees?

It seems obvious to understand these patterns as cosmic orientation systems. And obviously not being connected to cognitive and linguistic units, like propositions, names, numbers and images, despite their importance, probably, as the very first orientational writing systems.
["Not until the Greek ancient philosophers condemned the excrescences of mythical thinking. They began to sketch a new picture of the cosmos and introduced with it a new spiritual stage of development. In contrast to the mythical thinking, which seemed to be unscientific, unspiritual and unrealistic, this epoch is regarded gladly as the beginning of European thinking. As up to the mythology neither the memory of mankind nor the testimonial of the sources of writing continued to go back, and one looked for the beginning of culture, where the writing began, thus in Eastern advanced cultures, which in fact are part of a highly developed spiritual stage of development. Thus our culture lost a dimension of profoundness. We had lost our historical origin."]
At a time of human development, long before the advent of names, notions, sentences and numerals, and images too, there had been incisions, structuring the orientation in the world and co-creatively enabling the advent of human beings.
It is the work of the archeologist Marie König to have discovered those early incisional systems.

Diamonds, grids, circles, points, and systems of different patterns.
Not necessarily binary trees?

It seems obvious to understand these patterns as cosmic orientation systems. And obviously not being connected to cognitive and linguistic units, like propositions, names, numbers and images, despite their importance, probably, as the very first orientational writing systems.
"Erst die griechischen Naturphilosophen verurteilten die Auswüchse des mythischen Denkens. Sie begannen, ein neues Bild vom Kosmos zu entwerfen und leiteten damit eine neue geistige Entwicklungsstufe ein. Diese Zeit wird gern als der Anfang des europäischen Denkens angesehen, im Gegensatz zum mythischen Denken, das unwissenschaftlich, ungeistig und unrealistisch zu sein schien. Weiter als bis zur Mythologie reichte weder das Gedächtnis der Menschheit noch das Zeugnis der Schriftquellen zurück, und man suchte den Anfang der Kultur dort, wo die Schrift begann, also in den orientalischen Hochkulturen, die in Wirklichkeit einer hochentwickelten geistigen Entwicklungsstufe zuzurechnen sind. Damit verlor unsere Kultur eine Dimension der Tiefe. Wir hatten unseren geschichtlichen Ursprung verloren." (presented by Esther Keller-Stocker)
Marie E.P. König: Am Anfang der Kultur, Die Zeichensprache des frühen Menschen, Gebrüder Mann Verlag Berlin 1973.
["Not until the Greek ancient philosophers condemned the excrescences of mythical thinking. They began to sketch a new picture of the cosmos and introduced with it a new spiritual stage of development. In contrast to the mythical thinking, which seemed to be unscientific, unspiritual and unrealistic, this epoch is regarded gladly as the beginning of European thinking. As up to the mythology neither the memory of mankind nor the testimonial of the sources of writing continued to go back, and one looked for the beginning of culture, where the writing began, thus in Eastern advanced cultures, which in fact are part of a highly developed spiritual stage of development. Thus our culture lost a dimension of profoundness. We had lost our historical origin."]
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